Long tailed tit
If you love birds and want to help them, then the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch is something you can do to help them.
Great Spotted Woodpecker
For the past 30 years supporters have been watching birds in their gardens. This snapshot picture of birds in each region, shows that some birds are disappearing in scary numbers. These surveys help spot problems and more importantly help a species to recover.

If you want to take part it is really easy, visit the
Birdwatch site and print off a recording sheet. They spend an hour over the weekend recording the birds that visit your garden. Once done go back to the site and log your results.
What better way to spend a relaxing hour!

A great tit
The pictures are of birds that we are lucky to see in our garden, as our house backs on to woodland we have a wide variety of visitors. The blue tits have already started to pop in and out of our nest boxes!