We have lavender outside our front door which the bees are loving at the moment, I thought 'Lilly' the bumble bee by the pinkfairycake would be right at home! http://misi.co.uk/gifts/11319/

How about this for an unusual birthday surprise, would be perfect for me! from Haybel19 http://misi.co.uk/gifts/12440/Purple_Exploding_Box.html

This bag is right at home on my blog page! from Minxturess Store http://misi.co.uk/gifts/19135/Purple_Butterfly_tote.html

and this is just what I need for our awful summer, it is raining heavy and feels more like mid-winter! This scarf is from is from Peggy's Knits http://misi.co.uk/gifts/19185/Purple_Textured_Scarf_.html

I didn't realise how many purple items I had in my store, so I have to include one of mine, http://www.misi.co.uk/gifts/18953/Purple_Charming_Bracelet.html

Hi Lorraine! A quick comment to inform you that there's an award waiting for you on my blog!